Debt Profile

At the end of 1Q24, the gross balance of Loans and Financing Operations was BRL 1.3 billion, while the balance of Cash, Cash Equivalents and Financial Investments was BRL 1.2 billion in the period. Company’s Net Debt¹ was BRL 66 million and the leverage ratio, measured by Net Debt¹/Equity, was 2.9%.

Accordingly, the Company continues to have a well-balanced capital structure to enable the sustainable growth of its operations and to take advantage of the market opportunities that have been emerging.

The following table and graphs show further information of debt profile, as well as its amortization schedule.

Indebtedness (BRL Million) 1Q24 4Q23 Δ%
Loans and Financing 1,316 1,323 -0,5%
CRI 1,000 1,034 -3%
Debentures 105 102 3%
Construction Financing (SFH) 208 183 -14%
FINAME and Leasing 3 4 -25%
Cash and Cash Equivalentss 1,176 1,327 -11%
Net Debt¹ 66 -72 -192%
Net Debt/Equity 2.9% -3.4% -6.3 p.p.

¹ Net Debt plus the balance of open positions in swap agreements for protection against interest rate float.